These tips will help you communicate nicely with your prospects. If you are willing to generate lead organically with no money investment than you should take care of few things:
1. I am following up.
Get a reason to talk with them. Do not let them know that you’re doing a follow-up. Make them feel that you did more research about their concern.
2. Did you see my mail?
Instead of going to them directly with a question do try to think that they might be busy. Say in this way: I understand your busy schedule; did you get an opportunity to review the mail?
3. I guarantee you 100% growth.
Do involve them in the conversation. Avoid saying guarantee but tell them how you can do it in real. Guarantee may work for you fully or it may spoil the impression as well.
4. I know well your target market.
Do not leave them in a situation where they feel you do not need them. Say in this way: I have been quite familiar with this industry and your target market. I would be still interested in knowing your experience.
5. I have the best offer in the market/industry etc.
Don’t compare yourself with your competition. This is why you can help them accurately. Tell them the work scope and efforts that you will put instead of telling them you’re offering the right price.
6. You’ve poor performance in the past.
Never ever make this mistake. Let the client know what could have been done but it didn’t happen instead of telling their poor decisions. Show the difference positively.
7. I know better than you.
You might know better than your client for sure, but don’t forget to respect their knowledge, interests, and perceptions. Give them enough time to speak and tell you entirely.
8. Can we talk?
Don’t ask. The client might be too busy for you. Give them an idea for the call. Tell them you have an update/new information/anything of their interest. This way they might find time to have a call with you.
That’s all for the day. Do you need part 2 of this? Let me know in the comments.